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A Competent Operation of Refrigerators Part Two.


We continue this theme. In the first part we talked about the drainage and correct on and off the refrigerator.

4. Refrigerator door gaskets. The function of gaskets is to keep cold. A magnetic insert drawing the sealant to the steel refrigerator cabinet is found inside the gasket. It is desirable to install a refrigerator with a small backward inclination that the door weight does not prevent magnetic forces. The density is checked by a thin strip of paper. Locked doors must maintain a paper tape. If the tape falls, the density is insufficient. And now let’s speak about the danger of a poor density. 1) a refrigerator "cools" your kitchen. 2) a rapid frost of the freezer. A refrigerator reacts by increasing hours of its operation cycle and reducing the downtime. This, in turn, increases the cost of electricity (This problem is more described here: https://aldo-holod.com.ua/poradi.php). In places where the gasket sticks, it can be broken over a time. The gasket can be broken from a frequent contact with fingers. Use only handles provided to open (or recess in the door). When buying a refrigerator, pay attention to handles that they will be comfortable and functional as you’ll use them several times a day. Care. The gasket needs to be gently reheated (the drier can be also used)before cleaning. Use a neutral, warm detergent. Do not use sharp objects for cleaning. Gently stretch a warm gasket and remove the contamination with a damp cloth.
5. A fan in the refrigerator and placing food in the refrigerator. The fan of the refrigerator compartment serves to align the temperature along the height of the chamber. Also, a working fan intensively cools products. You need to know that the operation of the fan may vary in different refrigerators. Typically, when the fridge doors are opened, the fan turns off. A manual turning on and off of the fan (if necessary) is in some refrigerators. If your refrigerator is not equipped with a fan or you do not want to use it, place the products taking into account the temperature distribution along its full vertical extent. Very low temperatures will be in the bottom of the fridge. Accordingly, a very high (heat) temperature will be on the top shelf (also including shelves on the door). Do not place food very tightly to each other, so that a free circulation of a cold air was. Do not cover the grill of the fan with packages. Keep the unplugged refrigerator OPEN and CLEAN. We wish you an ease operation of your refrigerator.

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